The Tube Mapper project has featured in online, printed, radio and televised publications. Here’s a growing list of articles. If you wish to feature the project please get contact me.

Secrets Of The Underground 02/07/2024

ITV London News runs a lovely story about on the tube mapper project and book  14/12/2022

BBC Radio London interview on the Robert Elms show about the tube mapper project 02/11/2020

ITV London News runs a lovely story about on the tube mapper project and book  05/11/2020

BBC Radio London interview on the Robert Elms show about the tube mapper project 02/11/2020

BBC London News live interviews me about the Tube Mapper Project. 03/11/ 2018

BBC Radio London interview on the Jason Rosam breakfast show about the tube mapper project 28/10/2020

Take a ride around the circular bit of the Circle line. Tube Mapper feature 29th Jan 2019

BBC London News online creates this photography reel showcasing the Tube Mapper project. 03/2018

Interview by YouTuber Geoff Marshall who reviews travel, transport, the tube & London,  17th Feb 2019

BBC Radio London interview on the Robert Elms show about the tube mapper project 06/04/2020

Interview by Gareth Dennis, an engineer and writer, specialist in transport systems. 19/08/2020